Exceptional infrastructure with state of the art Amenities & Facilities are provided for the students to facilitate simplifying the fundamental skills as well as to Research & Development in the minds of young buds.
Rich library includes 5000+ books, Reference Books, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Biographies, 12 Magazines per month and 4 Daily News Papers.
Class Rooms
Own School Bus transportation from 07.00 a.m. to 08.00 p.m.
Medical Care with first aid, dispensary and ambulance services.
Free Internet facilities under supervisions of teachers
Sports Activities
2 play grounds,
Park with Play Stations,
Volley Ball Court, Basket Ball Court,
Swimming Pool,
Green Campus
The Institute has an impressive and pollution-free campus with panoramic green surroundings and beautiful flowerbeds.
Sanitary & Water
Sufficient water coolers with filtered water are available in the campus for students.