CBSE Affiliated K-12 Science & Commerce Day-cum-Residential Gurukul




Uniform Assessment System

Whole Session is divided into two terms. Term-1 & Term-2

Eligibility for Next Higher Class is based on Performance in Term-2 (Year End Examination

Term-1 Term-2
Sl. Examination Features Marks Sl. Examination Features Marks
1 PT-1 Based on syllabus of April to July 40 5 PT-3 Based on syllabus October to December 40
  Internal Assessment   Internal Assessment
2 Periodic Assessment 80 6 Periodic Assessment 80
Based on syllabus of April to September Annual
(Year End Examination)
Based on whole syllabus
3 Subject Enrichment Activity 5 7 Subject Enrichment Activity 5
1st, 2nd & 3rd Lang. (Eng, Hindi/Odia, Odia/Hindi) Assessment of Speaking & Listening
1st, 2nd & 3rd Lang. (Eng, Hindi/Odia, Odia/Hindi) Assessment of Speaking & Listening
Maths Maths Activities Maths Maths Activities
Science Assignments/ Activities Science Assignments/ Activities
Social Science Map & Project Social Science Map & Project
4 Note Books Regularity, Assignment Completion, Neatness & Upkeep 5 8 Note Books Regularity, Assignment Completion, Neatness & Upkeep 5
PT1(10)+PT2(80)+SE(5)+NB(5) 100 PTs(10)+YE(80)+SE(5)+NB(5) 100



CLASS VI TO VIII (Written Test Details)

Examination Duration Max. Marks Month Syllabus
PT-1 2 Periods 40 July April-July
PT-2 (Half-Yearly) 3 Hours 80 October April-September
PT-3 2 Periods 40 December October-December
Annual (Year End) 3 Hours 80 March October-February


VI : Term-1 (10%)

VII :  Term-1 (20%)

VIII : Term-1 (30%)

The above plan is tentative subject to change as per the direction of the CBSE.


Overall Assessment Class VI-VIII Half-Yearly / PT-2 + Annual Year End 80%
PT-1 (10%) + PT-3 (10%) 10%
Subject Enrichment Activity : Whole Year 5%
Note Books : Whole Year 5%
Total 100%


Co-Scholastic Assessment

Assessment of Co-scholastic Activities will be graded on a 3 point grading scale: –

A : Outstanding                  B: Very Good          C: Fair

There will be no descriptive indicators. The grading will be awarded by the concerned teachers on the basis of continuous observations.

1.Work Education 2.Art Education 3.Health & Physical Education 4.Discipline
Computer Education Visual & Performing Art Sports / Martial Arts / Yoga/ NCC etc Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour, Values


Promotion Criteria: –

  1. In the Year End Examination, a student must secure 33% in minimum (equal to 27 marks out of 80) in each subject. Hence, it is mandatory to attend the Annual Examination as its entire weightage is taken for promotion. (Except for participation of CBSE / National Games)
  2. In periodic assessments, the student must secure 33% in minimum.
  3. At the end of the year, the student must have 75% of attendance in minimum.
  4. Absence from periodic assessments will lead to zero mark in the concerned subjects in which the child didn’t appear the test.
  5. If a student fails in one or two subject/s, he/ she has to appear for retests in the failed subject/s, which will be conducted within 30 days from the announcement of result. Failure in the retest seizes the child’s promotion.
  6. If a student fails in 3 or more subjects, he / she will not be eligible for next higher class and has to continue in the same class.