As per Govt. policy, all the students of LKG to Class V will be promoted to next higher class. However, minimum parameters to be fulfilled are.
Academic performance in the overall assessment done at the end of the session will be the basis for the promotion to next higher class. Overall Assessment is done as per CCE guidelines.
1. A minimum grade of D in overall assessment in each subject
2. A minimum of 25% marks in SA – 1 & SA – 2
3. A minimum attendance of 75%
4. A minimum grade of D in all the co-scholastic assessment
In Annual / Board Examination, a student must secure.
At the end of the session a student will get a report card reflecting continuous as well as overall assessment in grades in each area of both the scholastic and co-scholastic subjects.
Also, in scholastic subjects, a student will be awarded Grade Points subject wise and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). To calculate indicative percentage of marks in any subject or in aggregate, the corresponding grade point is to be multiplied with 9.5.
At the end of successful completion of Class X examination, board will issue a Certificate which reflects Scholastic and Co-Scholastic Assessment (Grades & Grade Points) of both the Class IX and X.
If a student of Class IX / X does not confirm any one of the promotion criteria, his / her result would be declared as EIOP (Eligible for Improvement Of Performance). The student will be given to one-time chance to improve his/her performance through a Re-Test within June in the subject in which he / she has been declared failed. If again, he / she fails, the Class X student ceases to be a regular candidate and has to appear, as a private candidate, the examination conducted by board next session. For class IX, the student has to continue in the same class.
In Class XII Board Examination, if a student fails in one subject, his / her result is declared as Compartmental. He / She would be given two chances to appear examination in the failed subject in the month of July and March. If he / she cannot clear the examination in July / March, then he / she has to appear as Ex-Regular (Private) Candidate in all the subjects in the next year.