CBSE Affiliated K-12 Science & Commerce Day-cum-Residential Gurukul



The Continuous Evaluation means assessment of students in the beginning of instructions, during instructional process done informally using multiple techniques of evaluation (Formative Assessment: FA) and assessment done at the end of unit / term (Summative Assessment SA).


Comprehensive Evaluation refers to assessment of all round development of the child. It includes assessment in Scholastic as well as Co-scholastic aspects of pupil’s growth.


Scholastic aspect refers to curricular / subject specific development in areas of learning such as Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Creativity.


Co-Scholastic aspect refers to Life Skills, Co-Curricular Activities, Attitudes and Values. It is understood that class room transaction in academic subjects alone cannot foster development in all areas or help to develop Life Skills. The development of qualities such as Self Esteem, Positive Attitude and Life Skilsl require development of positive and adaptive behaviours over a period of time. These Life Skills can be integrated into the entire personality of a learner in the ten years of schooling and are essential for fostering personal qualities, nurturing good relationships and developing effective Communication Skills. The development of good physical health, formation of positive attitude towards others including environmental and cultivation of universal values is possible only through learner’s involvement in Life Skills and Co-Curricular Activities.


Assessment in Scholastic areas is done informally and formally using multiple techniques of evaluation continuoually and periodically and aims to assess areas of learning such as Knowledge, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating and Creating.


Assessment in Co-Scholastic areas is done using multiple techniques on the basis of identified criteria, while assessment in Life Skills is done on the basis of Indicators and Assessment and Checklists.


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    23 Nov 2023 06:03:43

    I'm blown away before your knowledge and handwriting style seo tools.

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