CBSE Affiliated K-12 Science & Commerce Day-cum-Residential Gurukul

House System

House System

To inculcate in the child the qualities such as loyalty, feeling of oneness, healthy competitiveness, leadership, sacrifice and honour the whole school has been divided into six houses representing eminent personalities of the locality, state & the country. Houses names are

  • Balaram House
  • C V Raman House
  • Gopabandhu House
  • APJ A Kalam House
  • Shivajee House
  • Sarojinee House

A house is led by House Captains and Vice-Captains (Boys & Girls).

All the houses are led by four School Captains: Head Boy, Head Girl, Activity Captain and Games Captain.

All the literary, games and sports competitions are held house wise and at the end of the session a house is declared as Overall Champion House.


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